About Us
Meet Erin, Founder & Artist of all things EHA Culture

Erin was born on the Island of Oahu. She lived in Makawao, Maui at the age of 6 and then later made the short journey over to Kauai at the age of 12. Since then she’s lived on Kauai where she and her ‘ohana reside on the Eastside in Wailua. She has a loving husband and 3 beautiful children. Living on the islands gives Erin much inspiration to pour into the artwork you see in EHA Culture products.
Besides working as a full time mom and entrepreneur, Erin works as a Tahitian and fire dancer for Ahilele Fire, a Polynesian Fire Show in Kilauea. Her favorite activities are running, going to the beach with her family, traveling whenever the time is right and picking shells with her keiki.
Erin also dedicates much of her time to her pupu ori (Tahitian dance school), Tu Moana, under the instruction of Kumu Nicolas Kaneakua, where she dances weekly with her ori brothers and sisters practicing, performing and competing. Much of her inspiration for her artwork comes from learning a mixture of Hawaiian, Tahitian and Polynesian arts and culture with Tu Moana.
“What I love most about EHA Culture is that I design and draw all of the artwork and products myself. Each product has 100% original artwork that I put my heart and soul into when I'm creating. It makes me feel so happy and complete to see my artwork come to fruition on a special, unique and useful product that I know others will enjoy.”